Sunday, January 16, 2011

One more Thank You

I have to make a separate and public, blog- THANK YOU to one of my Chiari Heros.   In the days after learning that I needed to have this surgery I spent hours dwelling on it and attempting to find positive information on the internet.  Of course instead I was a magnet to all of the scary, discouraging stories.   I had gone to bed one night mentally exhausted and presumably discouraged and scared.

John had been downstairs working when he came up - sat down next to me in bed and got his lap top out... i heard him typing franticly and then a pssst....   psstt...   wake up Lisa.  I rolled over towards him and gave him the most attention I could out of a dead sleep.

He told me that he had found a blog of a girl who had Decompression Surgery 2 years prior - WITH DR. ORO and she was "cured"  It all went well and she was very positive and you HAVE to read this.  I still just had 1/2 an eye open and it was pretty dark in our room.  With that John started reading her blog to me. He read post after post starting in 2007 and quickly got to the posts where she was flying to colorado and going thru the pre-surgery routine. It was all good to hear what goes on the days prior up to the very surgery.  I began picturing myself actually walking myself into the hospital.. head up, positive and being ready (rather then how i was picturing it all to go down - which was me in tears - strapped to a dolly.. being wheeled in and having to be sedated)  -yes, i was that scared.

So - John read on and each post gave us an insight as to what was to come.  It was also a blaring reminder that you get back what you put into it.  A positive attitude is what reaps a positive outcome.  I listened for about an hour and I imagine that night I went back to bed with a bit of smile on my face.

I remember waking up the next morning - writing a few emails and attaching her blog.  I called a few people to tell them what we had read and then I contacted her.  She responded - in spite of being a busy mom of 2 young, twin boys!   She wrote back and told me that she was there to answer any questions - - - and with the change of my surgery date and the anticipation of waiting even longer I did have many questions.  She encouraged me (or anyone) to seek the expertise of Dr. Oro and I whole heartidly agree.

I want to thank you Jennifer for documenting and sharing your blog for all who find it.  It was such a resource of uplifting information.  I had started this blog before I found yours - but it was a reminder to continue to share my story and keep things honest and positive.

Jennifers blog is listed below for anyone who hasn't read it.

I have Chiari blog

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