Yes, the girls finally believe me. They actually got to see their mom tonight. It was getting difficult to keep them at ease. I think they thought mom took off for a nice beach vacation without us, but tonight they found out that wasn't true. I am glad that I waited for the girls to go visit. I definitely did not want them to see Lisa in a state that was totally foreign to them. I have been trying to keep everything as normal as possible around here. Trying to walk them to school, pick them up, eat dinner with them, etc. I didn't think it would be hard to do, but it was a little more difficult than I imagined. So today I told them if mom felt good enough I would pick them up early from school and they would get to go to the hospital and see her. I spent the morning with Lisa. She had an occupational therapist come in to see her. I watched her to some exercises, watched her do all the things that we take for granted. Brushing her teeth, washing her face. It was those simple things that made me so sad and so happy all at the same time. I can't imagine the pain that is involved with all of this and to see Lisa push through it and work on the healing was very inspiring. After a few hours there I left Lisa to nap and get ready for the girls. I left the hospital grabbed a quick bowl of Pho soup and went to the school to pick up my ladies. It was about 1:30 when I went down there. The girls told me they couldn't miss lunch so I had to make it a little later. Mia had a special lunch date with Eva and her teacher and Ryan was excited for Macho Nacho Day. I was surprised to find out that both girls had forgotten about me coming early to get them. Once they remembered why I was there it was all smiles. We had a list of things to do before we would be ready to go. First thing we did was take the dogs for a walk. I think this was really great for everyone. Next was snacks and showers. I had to make sure the girls didn't look scrappy when we went in. The last thing I want is to have Lisa think I am not doing my job. Lisa's mom came over with soup so we all had dinner together and went to see Lisa. As we walked up to the hospital I tried to give the girls an idea of what happened that day. I was showing them where we walked in, where I got my coffee, the waiting room. I pointed out where everyone sat, other places we went. I wanted to make sure they could try and piece their own story of what happened that day. As we rode up on the elevator I could tell they were a little nervous. I just told them to go in there give her some love and everything would be fine. When we walked in Lisa looked really great. She had on a familiar clothes and seemed to be looking like "Mom". It was nice to see Lisa's eyes light up when she saw them. I think that look was in everyones eyes. They gave her cards, hugs, kisses, and then they wanted proof. They wanted to see what all the talk was about. I asked to make sure they were ready and of course they said yes. I decided to show them a photo on my phone of what it looked like first. Just to make sure they were ready. After a quick glance they were both ready to see the real thing. I have to say that the look on Ryan's face was priceless. I honestly don't think she really thought it was real. it was a scared look at first, then a look of "is that real?" I could tell Ryan was trying to figure out why they put staples in her head. I had to remind her that this was a special Dr. Stapler and not the same bedazzled stapler she had at home. All Ryan wanted to do was look at her scar. I honestly think Ryan could have been fine looking at it all day. We stayed for about an hour and left for the evening. Of course at bed time we had lots of questions about mom. I reassured them that she will be ok and with our help she will heal faster. When Lisa comes home they will be official nurses to mom. I think we are going to make some outfits to help them play the part. I also told them that they have special nurse authority while they are on duty. If they see mom doing things she is not supposed to do they have the power to call her out on it and make her stop. They are pretty excited about that. Lets hope that excitement lasts more than the first afternoon.
In the fall of 2008 I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation -Type 1. I learned to accept & live with my symptoms and was trying to put off the surgery as long as possible. In the fall of 2010 I developed Syringomyelia and was told I should have surgery asap. I had a successful decompression surgery by Dr. Oro on 11.16.10 and with as good as I feel, I would like to consider me "cured"
that was nicely written; lisa will be proud of your blogging skills! i can just imagine ryan staring at the wound. i have always thought scars were cool; perhaps we will have that in common. give our love to your ladies for us!
ReplyDeleteWow. Sounds like you handled it with the girls nicely. Thanks for sharing so many details.